Could the citation indexes be helpful in quality analysis of dissertations: a case of comparative study in Ecology
Glagolev M.V.1), 2), 3), Karelin D.V.1), Franovskiy S.Yu.1) 

1) Lomonosov Moscow state university
2) Institute of Forest Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow district
3) Yugra state university, Khanty-Mansiysk


By use of the national “Russian Index of Scientific Citation” author citation system  and  “Google Scholar” (with interface of “Publish or Perish”) a comparative analysis of author citations has been accomplished. Two groups of authors were sel ected and compared between each other: ones were who recently defended doctoral thesis in Biology (speciality: ecology) and successfully completed doctoral degrees (DS) in 2009-2010, and the others were a similar by number group of leading ecologists (Candidates of Sciences, CS) of the Soil Science Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The results show that by scientometric indexes used no significant differences between these two groups were found. Whereas between individual authors scientometric indexes varied considerably. For DS group the maximal number of citations per article varied within 0 and 67, with h-index fr om 0 to 8, and mean number of author citations per year is equal to the mean number of citations per article (between 0 and 13.06). Provided examples are explain the basic concepts of scientometrics, and their meaning with further recommendations. For more effective estimation of scientific output, a new scientometric index is proposed (Gl-index). Gl-index = SC/(T2•A), where SC is a ratio of sum of author citations, T is a period (in years) of his publishing activity and A is average number of co-authors. 

Key words: Scientometrics, Doctor of Sciences, Ecology. 

Citation: Glagolev M.V., Karelin D.V., Franovskiy S.Yu. 2012. Could the citation indexes be helpful in quality analysis of dissertations: a case of comparative study in Ecology // Environmental dynamics and climate change. V. 3. №. 1(5). EDCCmis0002.

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